
test automation tools

Your testing team never slouches, but you always seem to find a bunch of defects in production regardless. But while improving your test coverage, speed, and accuracy is an obvious solution, it’s always seemed prohibitively expensive. With test automation, however, your solution isn’t just affordable—it can cut your budget in half!


WHITE PAPER: If you’ve ever considered test automation, you’ve likely noticed that there’s no shortage of tools out there for you to choose from. That’s why we did the hard work for you! Check out our white paper to see an in-depth comparison of three of the most popular tools: Oracle OATS, HP UFT, and Selenium.


For a lot of companies, choosing a test automation tool is less about fit and more about what’s already on hand. Unfortunately, that approach—while thrifty in the short term—is entirely backwards. Your ROI doesn’t depend on how much your license costs; it depends on how well your tool aligns with your approach.


Whether it’s lowering costs, improving quality, accelerating time-to-market, or increasing test capacity, lots of people think test automation is the answer to all of their problems. And while it most certainly can be, it’s not a magic bullet, either. But provided you’re smart, you’ll see an ROI in next to no time. Here are some tips to help you get there.

PMIASQIEEESoftware Engineering InstituteInternational Software Testing Qualifications Board