Enroll in”Software Testing Fundamentals” at Sinclair Community College and Obtain your ISTQB certification.

Start your new career in software testing!
If you’ve ever wanted a career in the exciting world of software testing, you’re only one class away!
With computers permeating every facet of our daily lives, it’s a good time to be a software tester. Whether you’re in college right now or just looking to start a new career, a job in technology is a job that’s going to last. That’s why we’ve partnered with Dayton’s own Sinclair Community College to offer BIS: 1500 “Software Testing Fundamentals”—a one-of-a-kind class aimed at teaching you everything you need to know to be an Entry-Level Software Tester!
In fact, if you complete Sinclair Community College’s “Software Testing Fundamentals” course and the included ISTQB certification exam, you’re not only on your way to a new career in a lucrative, growing field—you’re guaranteed an interview with Lighthouse!