Building a Culture of We

We talk about this Culture of We a lot, and it’s because at Lighthouse, we believe it’s critical to our success as a company. But we didn’t invent it, and we’re certainly not the first to believe in it. In fact, Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address from 1863 is a fantastic example of how a leader brought a torn-apart organization (aka our country) back together through the word “we”.

In the video below I share a bit more about what it means to have a Culture of We, why it’s important, and three steps you can lead to start building that culture in your organization, no matter the industry.

Keep Having Fun,


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  • Ed Wasser June 11, 2021, 2:10 pm

    Love this, Jeff! It’s a perfect approach to bringing people together and building/rebuilding a healthy culture following the long separation caused by the pandemic

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