Software Testing

No one likes glitchy software releases.  They infuriate your users, cripple productivity, and erode your credibility while creating costly, time-consuming rework for your development team.  Like icebergs, undetected defects lurk almost entirely beneath the surface of your projects—and if you don’t spot them ahead of time, the damage they cause can be catastrophic.

For most companies, navigating these treacherous waters is challenging.  Sometimes you’ll make it to release unscathed, but, more often than not, you’ll run into a swath of costly defects.  Without a high-quality software testing team at your disposal, your software projects are at risk of the 3 Perils of Software Development:

Undetected defects can cripple quality and user satisfaction while costing 5 times more to fix during production than in testing


Undetected defects can cripple quality and user satisfaction while costing 5 times more to fix during production than in testing
Implementation delays are costly in terms of time-to-market, profitability, and credibility


Implementation delays are costly in terms of time-to-market, profitability, and credibility
Inevitably, unnecessary defects and delays lead to higher costs, busted budgets and project scale-backs/cancellations


Inevitably, unnecessary defects and delays lead to higher costs, busted budgets and project scale-backs/cancellations

That’s where Lighthouse experts come in.  We see what others don’t.  Whether you are looking for test automation, manual testing, or a combination, we are here for you.  

With our True North Testing Methodology™, we will find defects hidden in your requirements, design and code. We will all but eliminate the unplanned cost of rework and our comprehensive metrics will give you transparency throughout your entire software development lifecycle. We will help you be proud of the software you deliver. 

What We Do

Project-Based Testing

No matter the scope of your project, maintaining its quality is essential to a timely, high-quality release. When you re-shore with Lighthouse, you’re in expert hands.

Long-Term Test Outsourcing

Do you have a continuous testing need? Outsource your operations to our onshore Testing Center of Excellence and let us handle the rest.

What We Test

What You Get

Onshore Software Testing 

On the surface, offshore outsourcing seems too good to be true.  That’s because it is.  There are numerous hidden costs and pitfalls that can significantly inflate the “low costs” of offshore providers and run your software initiatives into the ground.


Hidden expenses like communication issues, security risks, productivity lags, and quality issues cause the total-cost-of-ownership (TCO) of offshore providers to skyrocket—sinking ROI and running software initiatives into the ground.


That’s why so many businesses turn to Lighthouse Rural Software Testing—the high-quality alternative to offshore software testing.  Our proprietary sourcing model enables us to field a team of industry-certified software testing professionals located right here in the US—at the same or lower total cost than you’d pay offshore.  When you choose onshoring with Lighthouse, you get a team that collaborates well, attacks problems head-on, and ensures nothing is lost in translation.

High Communication
Our onshore team understands the subtleties in communication.  We listen well and ask probing questions. We not only design, build and execute thorough test cases, but bring ideas to the table to help improve your software product

Improved Productivity
Due to low-turnover of our highly trained staff, onshoring with our US-based teams provides continuity, facilitates cooperation, improves morale (of your team), reduces rework, and expedites problem solving

Painless Management
We are primarily located In the eastern time zone, have strong test leads with excellent communication skills and leadership training, and work with teams primarily in the US, Canada, and Europe

Data Security
Our onshore Testing Center of Excellence keeps your intellectual property in the US, ensuring your assets are protected

Price Stability
While offshore rates continue to climb, re-shoring to our established, low cost-of-living location in Dayton, Ohio provides predictably steady rates

High Quality
Our industry-certified testers are easy to work with and use proven, metrics-driven True North Testing Methodology
 to deliver high-quality testing

Save with Test Automation

Cut your software testing budget in half.
Simple as that.

How We Do It

Learn More

A Predictive Approach to Test Planning

Testing is a complex, challenging phase of software development. Thats why we created a predictive approach to test planning that ensures high quality, lower cost, and improved schedule, while reducing risk.

Retailer Saves $10+ Million with Lighthouse

This retailer was looking for ways to reduce software acquisition and maintenance costs, while improving quality. With Lighthouse, they saved $10M+ while ensuring the quality of the work to be performed.

Mobile App Testing:
Augmented Reality

A defect removal efficiency rate (DRE) of over 95% helped make a national retailer’s ambitious app update—including an augmented-reality game, push notifications, and an Android widget—a heralded success.

To learn more, get in touch with one of our experts today!

    PMIASQIEEESoftware Engineering InstituteInternational Software Testing Qualifications Board