Striving for World-Class Productivity and Quality White Paper

Striving for World-Class Productivity and QualityAll companies strive to increase productivity, drive costs lower, and expand business opportunities. Many companies, especially in software, struggle with how to accomplish these things. This paper discusses the concept of World-Class Productivity and World-Class Quality answering the following common questions:

  • What are World-Class Productivity and World-Class Quality?
  • How are they achieved?
  • How does Lighthouse achieve World-Class Productivity and World-Class Quality?
  • Why is it important to achieve?
  • What are the benefits?
  • Should an organization build up to a world-class level internally, or should it outsource to a world-class organization?
  • How much investment is necessary?
  • Are they achievable?
  • How long will it take to achieve?
  • What steps are necessary?

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    PMIASQIEEESoftware Engineering InstituteInternational Software Testing Qualifications Board