For some IT leaders, software development projects can feel like an endless cacophony of defect-related rework and delays—especially for people involved In software testing and QA. But as frustration mounts, pinpointing a path to improvement can prove difficult. Our solution? Start with quality exit criteria.
Talk to anyone well-versed in eCommerce, and you’ll likely hear the same refrain: the user experience (UX) is king. But while no one’s disputing that, it’s important to note that the reign of UX has also signaled the ascension of another two-letter acronym: QA—or as it’s also known, quality assurance.
When it comes to software testing, improvement comes in one of three fields: people, process, and tools. But while you might think processes and tools are the smarter categories to consider first, did you know the bulk of your improvement comes solely from having the right people, with the right skills, in the right roles?
Software testing and quality assurance are often two of the first things cut from a tightening IT budget. But while it’s easy to assume that doing so will save money, does the resulting rework, delays, and squandered productivity actually cost cash-strapped departments more in the long run?
Without process, you can’t measure your software testing team. And, without measurement, how can you know their true efficacy?
Software testing/quality assurance initiatives are often the first things cut from an encumbered budget. But, as expenses mount and software projects fail, many companies find themselves asking, “Was this really the right move?” Are these companies costing themselves more by doing so?