How can we be more effective in our relationships?  Jeff Van Fleet, Lighthouse’s CEO, thinks we should all take a lesson from Aesop’s Golden Goose…


When things go wrong, it’s easy to dwell on missed opportunities or previous mistakes.  But instead of getting stuck in the past, what if we used our negative experiences as an opportunity to improve?


Caught between those who want empowerment and those who want to cut costs, how can middle management avoid getting caught in some nasty crosshairs?  Jeff Van Fleet, Lighthouse’s President and CEO, has a few ideas. 


It’s a universal truth: work too much and it starts to wear on you.  When that happens, a little time away may be just what the doctor—or Lighthouse CEO—ordered.


There’s no question that the Holiday Season is the most wonderful time of the year.  However, that doesn’t mean it’s not without its own challenges—especially for leaders.  Whether it’s leading an IT department or coordinating a tense family visit, Jeff Van Fleet, Lighthouse’s President and CEO, advocates addressing them head on.


Even the strongest people in the world have bad days. So when you get worn down, beat up, overwhelmed, or things just aren’t going your way, here are a few tried-and-tested strategies from our President and CEO, Jeff Van Fleet.

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As spring signals its arrival with shades of green and blooming flowers, how can we transform ourselves and the organizations we lead? Lighthouse CEO Jeff Van Fleet shares his thoughts on implementing a culture of openness and transparency.


No matter what we do to avoid it, there are always times when we feel stressed out and overwhelmed. When that happens, what do you do? Here’s what our President and CEO, Jeff Van Fleet, recommends.


At a time when the whole nation seems increasingly polarized and divided, Lighthouse CEO Jeff Van Fleet reminds us that perception is reality. So whenever things seem bad, keeping a positive outlook can go a long ways towards a happier and balanced life.


Whether it’s in the workplace, in my home, or out at the bar, there’s a phrase I like to use to describe the people love being around: they’re “Can do” people. Their drive stay positive and get things done always inspires me—and I think we all could be a little more like them.

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