There’s no question that online retailers are focused on software quality. In the hyper-competitive world of eCommerce, consumers have all the power—and it only takes one critical defect to send them off to a competitor. With the stakes that high, poor software testing isn’t simply a concern—it can thrust the entire company’s future into uncertainty.


Software testing and quality assurance are often two of the first things cut from a tightening IT budget. But while it’s easy to assume that doing so will save money, does the resulting rework, delays, and squandered productivity actually cost cash-strapped departments more in the long run?


Let’s face it: to the unfamiliar eye, software testing can seem to be a bit abstract. And while a testing company may convincingly “talk the talk”; it can be tough to tell if they’re really “walking the walk”. That’s why transparency matters so much for software testing companies. If you’ve got nothing to hide, why hide it?


Do you ever feel like your software project plans are little more than a glorified crapshoot—with projects rarely coming in on time and frequently going well off-schedule? Don’t worry; you’re far from the only one. But here’s the good news: with a little bit of proactive effort, those days will be long gone.


IT is expected to correct defects within its software systems, but is often unable to keep up with defect backlogs due to the increasing complexity of aging software. As IT budgets continue to tighten, how can smart departments dig themselves out of this ever-deepening hole?


Software testing/quality assurance initiatives are often the first things cut from an encumbered budget. But, as expenses mount and software projects fail, many companies find themselves asking, “Was this really the right move?” Are these companies costing themselves more by doing so?


Let’s face it: everyone tends to look at their work with rose-colored glasses. Unfortunately for IT personnel, this bias is especially dangerous to software testing/QA and development projects at large. When it comes to objectively measuring software quality, success, and more, metrics are king.


This month, as you settle in to your comfiest leather armchair for some comfy Christmas shopping (with or without a glass of spiked eggnog), take a moment to thank the most unsung heroes of the Holidays: the IT personnel that support the biggest shopping season for the year.


Few things are riskier than a large-scale software project. While they offer significant returns if successful, they also pose considerable risk; threatening to go off the rails—and causing catastrophic losses—at seemingly any point. This uncertainty doesn’t have to rule the day, however; as an investment in quality is the best insurance you can buy.


Whether they’re concerned that they’re not finding enough defects or worried about spending too much on diminishing returns, every IT department wonders if they’re over or under-testing. Whether your testing team is outsourced or in-house, how much is “good enough”?

PMIASQIEEESoftware Engineering InstituteInternational Software Testing Qualifications Board