As experts of their domains, it’s easy to see why SMEs are constantly pigeonholed into testing their respective areas of expertise. Consequently, it’s no surprise that they often feel like they’re the only people capable of testing it—something that, with a little bit of documentation, couldn’t be further from the truth.


When it comes to software testing and QA, a lot of companies are reactive—achieving quality almost entirely through the individual heroics of their own testing team. But, while this approach may be effective, is it really sustainable in the long run? Moreover, how can a proactive approach mitigate those inherent risks?


Every year, people use the start of the new year as a chance to better themselves. But while we’re always striving to do so at home, why aren’t we also bettering ourselves in the workplace? And since so much of our time there is spent on computers, improving software quality is just the place to start.


The most-hyped video game of the holiday season should’ve been an unquestioned financial success, but the company’s financial objectives forced the premature release of an under-tested, glitch-laden final product. What happens when quality is ignored to ensure an optimal release?

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My coffee intake tends to mirror a large corporation’s various vendors: spanning from cheap, low-quality standbys to pricier, higher-end options. As I’m wholly dependent upon both, what can this tell us about how corporations view reshoring in IT?


For the Cleveland Museum of Art’s CIO, Jane Alexander, and Gallery One team, envisioning their mobile app was only part of the challenge; it was only through carefully wrought development that it became an unprecedented success.


With their groundbreaking app ArtLens, the Cleveland Museum of Art is changing the way that we use technology to experience the world around us. While their app is stunning, it’s the result of a clearly defined vision and carefully wrought execution—the first of which we’ll examine in this two-part article.

PMIASQIEEESoftware Engineering InstituteInternational Software Testing Qualifications Board