
software testing

As a software testing company, we’ve been to more conferences than we can count. We’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly—and we’re here to tell you: whether you’re a tester, test lead, scrum master, director, or CIO, QA or the Highway is definitely worth your time!


When it comes to the quality of your software, 65 percent of your total improvement comes from having the right people, trained with the right skills, working in the right roles. That’s no easy task, however. So let us start you off on the right track with the Gauntlet™ QA skills assessment!


Just like New Year’s resolutions, it’s easy to give up on driving changes in software testing and QA because of a lack of short-term success.  Isn’t it time we changed this mindset—and started focusing on the journey as well as the destination?


Whether your software testing and QA organization has two people or 200, the quality of your software depends on the capability and proficiency of your testers.  But how do you measure that?  That’s where we come in.


For a lot of companies, especially those in retail and eCommerce, the Holiday Season is a make-or-break time of year.  However, in the rush to “survive” the increased traffic and overloaded servers, are we missing a golden opportunity to improve quality by discovering our key vulnerabilities?


Strategic partnership with CAST will dramatically lower clients’ software risk.


The success of your software testing and QA team comes down to one thing: having the right people in the right roles.  That can be quite a challenge, though—which is why we developed the Gauntlet™ to ensure our clients get the best personnel out there.


If the 3 Perils of Software Development™—Defects, Delays, and Dollars—are regularly driving your projects off schedule and over budget, getting your QA and testing team back on course can be hard. That’s why applying a metrics-based testing methodology is so important—it’s the most reliable course correction there is.


Despite the widespread adoption of Agile, some testing and QA teams still find themselves falling behind.  With time-to-market more important than ever, is shifting left the key to getting beleaguered QA teams back up to speed?


Do you want better visibility into the effectiveness of your testing and QA team?  Sign up for our upcoming webinar on October 19th to learn what metrics you need to be tracking and how they can improve your testing and QA!

PMIASQIEEESoftware Engineering InstituteInternational Software Testing Qualifications Board