Staying Positive: Change Your Perspective For An Optimistic Outlook

At a time when the whole nation seems increasingly polarized and divided, Lighthouse CEO Jeff Van Fleet reminds us that perception is reality.  So whenever things seem bad, keeping a positive outlook can go a long ways towards a happier and balanced life.

You can commiserate, you can whine, and you can allow others to bring you down; or you can be an uplifter, you can help one another, and you can look for the good in people.
No matter what, you’re still making a choice.

With Martin Luther King Day just passing by and the Presidential Inauguration kicking off today, I think we’ve all noticed that our country is more tense and divided than at any point in recent memory.  It’s been on my mind a lot lately; and it’s got me thinking about what’s going on and what we might do about it.

We have choices.  We may disagree on how much choice we have, but I think most would agree that we definitely have choice over how we react to a situation.  We can talk negatively about others, or we can look for the good in them.  We can ignore what’s going on, or we can take action.  We can look to our government to lead us, or we can lead ourselves.

You can commiserate, you can whine, and you can allow others to bring you down; or you can be an uplifter, you can help one another, and you can look for the good in people.  No matter what, you’re still making a choice.

Personally, my belief is “that which I put attention to, I get more of”.  And frankly, I want more happiness and harmony in my life.  Therefore, I choose to look at things in a positive light—instead of letting negativity bring me down.  One thing I’ve noticed is that there are very few people sitting in the middle ground right now.  That’s why I choose to look at both the incoming and outgoing Presidents as inspiring millions of people to take a stand.

If you want to see a real example of someone making a choice and standing up for what he believes in, watch this short video of Royce Mann, a 15-year-old young man, reciting his poem, “Rise Up.”  I find it encouraging and very inspiring.  I hope you do too.

Remember, you always have a choice, so be conscious in your decision.

Keep having fun,

Jeff Van Fleet

President & CEO,
Lighthouse Technologies, Inc.
Software Testing | Quality Assurance Consulting | Oracle EBS Consulting

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