Gracious Gratitude: Taking Time to Appreciate Those Around You

It’s not always easy, but taking the time to recognize the support your family, friends, and coworkers have given you isn’t just a great way to get in touch with yourself, it’s a fast track to fostering deeper relationships.  It’s something Jeff Van Fleet, Lighthouse’s President and CEO, recommends we all do on a regular basis.

Gracious Gratitude: Making Time to Appreciate Those Around You

When we put our hearts and soul into our work, our family, and our relationships, we all want to know that we are appreciated.
I encourage you to take the time to simply sit down one-on-one with the people closest to you and tell them how much they mean to you.

Happy New Year!  I know it’s been a couple of weeks since the Rose Bowl Parade and New Year’s celebrations, but I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to wish you well.

I’ve always enjoyed January.  The beginning of a new year makes It a natural time for resolutions and reflection, and I’ve found myself doing a lot of both lately.  You know, when I started writing these blogs a few years ago, I was very nervous.  I didn’t know if any of you would be interested in my thoughts—and I was frankly scared about failing or embarrassing myself!

Even today, when I sit down to write about my feelings and ideas, I still feel some trepidation.  But through the years, you all have supported me and sent me dozens, if not hundreds, of thank you notes.  It really helps me to know that what I’m doing makes a difference in your life—perhaps not every month, but every once in a while, at least.

I think we all need that reassurance.  When we put our hearts and soul into our work, our family, and our relationships, we all want to know that we are appreciated.  I love my co-workers, family, and friends who are willing to share their ideas and dreams with me, and I love those that are willing to listen to mine.  Words are not enough to express my gratitude to them for encouraging me and being uplifters in my life.

I encourage you to take the time to simply sit down one-on-one with the people closest to you and tell them how much you appreciate them.  Whether it’s your children, your spouse, your co-workers, your administrative assistant, or your boss, and spend a few quality minutes with them to thank them for their hard work and dedication.  Allow yourself to be vulnerable and let them know how they touched your heart.  I know this isn’t always easy; but it helps you get in touch with yourself and it will create deeper relationships with them.

I don’t always do this as well as I’d like, but I’m striving to get better.  So many of you have dearly touched my heart; and as I write this blog, my mind is rolling through memories of so many of you.  I am thinking of you and I am forever grateful.

So, very simply—Thank You.

From my heart,

Jeff Van Fleet
President & CEO
Lighthouse Technologies, Inc.
Software Testing | Quality Assurance Consulting | Oracle EBS Consulting

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  • Reginald Chatman January 27, 2018, 1:15 pm

    Hello Jeff,

    Happy New Year and best wishes for you, your family, and the entire Lighthouse team. I think the blog is cool. And, to be so positive when your Pittsburgh Steelers got eliminated from the playoffs is amazing. I’m still furious at the Bengals (again) and they didn’t have a chance for a playoff run!

    Anyway, best wishes to you!

    Reggie Chatman

    • Jeff Van Fleet Jeff Van Fleet February 1, 2018, 9:17 pm

      Reggie – You are funny! And, I appreciate your well wishes. The same to you and your beautiful bride!

      My best,

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