Automate Your Way to Quality: How TQL Slashed Testing Time and Boosted Confidence

This year’s QA or the Highway conference was a journey to remember. We joined our fellow industry leaders, innovators, and QA enthusiasts in Columbus, Ohio to share insights, discuss emerging trends, and network with peers dedicated to quality assurance and software testing.

Over 50 experts from all over the world, including our very own CEO and President Jeff Van Fleet, gave presentations on a range of critical topics that are steering the future of QA and testing: from AI to test automation, shifting left, performance testing and more.


Jeff co-presented with Alexander Grantz from Total Quality Logistics, the second-largest freight brokerage firm in North America. The fun and engaging presentation detailed TQL’s road trip in automating their testing processes, addressing the significant bumps they faced along the way, as well as the strategies they used to cruise past them. Through interactive storytelling, Jeff and Alex shared how TQL managed to cut their testing time significantly while boosting the reliability and quality of their software. Their practical insights and real-world examples provided the audience with a clear roadmap to success, including tangible and actionable takeaways, such as:

  • How to engage your leadership
  • How to train manual testers to automate
  • How to implement core software quality and shift-left principles and tools
  • How to balance catchup with in-flight releases
  • How to effectively engage with developers
  • How reporting dashboards cement leadership buy-in

No test automation journey is the same, so Jeff and Alex polled the audience to see which challenges they personally are facing, with the two most frequent answers being ‘time’ and ‘stability’. To reveal a dynamic word cloud of our audience’s other responses, submit your very own test automation challenge(s) in the adjacent Slido poll. Then, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments of this post!

For those who were unable to attend Jeff and Alex’s presentation, we have exciting news! We will be hosting a webinar August 15 at Noon to cover the same topic. This is a fantastic opportunity to gain valuable insights and ask questions directly of our experts. 

To ensure you don’t miss any updates about the upcoming webinar and other exciting events, make sure to subscribe to our newsletter. Stay informed and ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving world of QA and testing by subscribing here. Thank you to everyone who attended QA or the Highway and contributed to making it an unforgettable event. If you would like to unpack your own test automation journey, no matter where you are, let’s schedule a time to chat.

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