

In an increasingly dynamic IT world, staying current isn’t just valuable, it’s essential. Navigate these rapidly changing waters with Lighthouse’s expert advice and insights. 

With all the innovation in today’s IT world, it can be tough keeping your head above water.  That’s why we make our thought-leading content available to you free of charge.  We’re experts in software testing, software quality assurance, and ERP consulting and are happy to share our knowledge and insights with you.

Our Blog

If you want to stay up to date on our latest insights, there’s no better place to go than our blog.  Whether you’re looking for ideas or advice on your next project or leadership insights from our CEO, chances are you’ll find what you’re looking for.  (And, just in case you don’t, why not drop us a line and ask us directly?)

Client Success Stories

Case Study

Innovative Automated Testing for a Global Quick-Service Hamburger Chain

Our team, in partnership with Abstracta, transformed a quick-service restaurant company’s testing processes by integrating advanced mobile automated testing solutions, significantly reducing testing time and increasing the reliability of their app releases.

Case Study (1)

Global Manufacturer Regains Control of SAP S/4HANA Upgrade

When a multi-billion-dollar manufacturer outsourced their SAP S/4HANA upgrade, they were blindsided by a multi-million-dollar change order from their vendor. Lighthouse’s Software Contract Assessment enabled them to regain control & strengthen vendor accountability.

Case Study (2)

Vendor Quality Management in Retail: Convenience Doesn’t Need a Big Price Tag

When this retailer outsourced their multi-million-dollar custom POS project, they looked to Lighthouse for advice. Lighthouse helped the retailer negotiate the contract with the software development vendor, saving them over $10M while ensuring quality.

Case Study (5)

The Big Move: Rural Software Testing Secures Success for Data Migration

When a multi-million-dollar property management company was preparing to move their data center, our team identified critical problems that would have affected the company’s ability to process work orders and invoices, grinding productivity to a halt and costing the client an estimated $165,000 to correct.

Case Study (3)

eCommerce Software Testing: U.K. Based Grocery Retailer Finds the Light(house)

A U.K. based grocery retailer grew frustrated when the offshore development vendor they hired to re-vamp their eCommerce website was delayed with high defect rates. Lighthouse conducted user acceptance testing, uncovering 939 unique defects & enabling the retailer to meet their launch deadline.

Case Study (4)

Functional Software System Testing: The Friendly ATM

An ATM software provider engaged Lighthouse to perform software system testing on their proprietary database front-end software. Over a three-month period, our team developed and executed 950 test cases, including two full regression cycles, ensuring the software met quality standards and allowing developers to focus on coding.

White Papers

The 3 Perils of Software Development™ 

 The 3 Perils of Software Development™—Defects, Delays, and Dollars. In this white paper, you’ll learn what causes them, what problems they cause, and—most importantly—what you can do to avoid them.

Choosing An Automated Testing Tool

Several factors go into choosing which automation tool is right for the application that needs to be tested. This paper discusses how to determine which automation tool will best suit the unique needs of a given project.

The Value of Software Quality

 Knowing how much quality assurance and quality control to apply to a program are critical to maximizing the likelihood of success. Many managers make decisions which ignore certain quantifiable principles.

Made in the USA: How Reshoring is Reshaping SW Testing and IT

Reshoring has started to make big waves in IT. As offshore outsourcing’s once-seemingly-insurmountable price advantage continues to erode, it’s time for companies to start “Buying American” again.

Striving for World Class Productivity & Quality

All companies strive to increase productivity, drive costs lower, and expand business opportunities. Many companies, especially in software, struggle with how to accomplish these things. This paper discusses how to do just that.

A Predictive Approach to Test Planning

Many organizations struggle to plan their testing needs and often underestimate the effort. This paper discusses our predictive approach to test planning that helps to ensure high quality, lower cost, and improved schedule, while reducing risk. 

PMIASQIEEESoftware Engineering InstituteInternational Software Testing Qualifications Board