With the start of the New Year fresh in our minds, most of us are trying to better ourselves in some way or another. But Jeff Van Fleet, Lighthouse’s President and CEO, wants to know: are we neglecting other important things at that expense?

Photo courtesy of Adam Cohn (Creative Commons)
As we’re starting the New Year, I wonder how many of us are trying to improve at home? We’re often pretty good at making lists and setting deadlines at work; but we often neglect our other aspects — family, spirituality, and health. |
As we are starting the New Year, I’ve been wondering, how many of us are trying to improve ourselves at work and in our career? For that matter, how many are trying to improve at home? We’re often pretty good at making lists and setting deadlines at work; but we often neglect our other aspects — family, spirituality, and health.
As many of you know, I am a big fan of Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. The 7th habit, “Sharpen the Saw”, talks to this point. It is about engaging in continuous improvement in both your personal and interpersonal spheres of influence. By balancing and renewing your resources, energy, and health, you create a sustainable, long-term, effective lifestyle. Covey primarily emphasizes exercise for physical renewal, prayer (meditation, yoga, etc.), and good reading for mental renewal, while also mentioning service to society for spiritual renewal.
A very good friend of mine, Mark Adams, reminds me that, to improve life with our family, we need to be intentional and set family goals. His goals are to tell his wife and children that he loves them every day and to spend one-on-one time with his wife and each of his children at least 60 minutes each week.
Personally, I’m pretty good about setting goals and milestones at work. Everyone knows that I love metrics and I’m always trying to measure how to improve our client’s software teams, as well as improve Lighthouse’s performance. But to keep balanced in the other aspects of my life, I could use some help. If you are willing to share, send me a reply and tell me about the kinds of goals you set for yourself.
Keep having fun,
Jeff Van Fleet
President and CEO
Lighthouse Technologies, Inc
Software Testing | Quality Assurance Consulting | Oracle EBS Consulting