This month, Jeff Van Fleet, Lighthouse President and CEO, takes on something we’re all guilty of (to some extent or another): prejudice.

Take a moment—right now—to think about the people around you, and how you react to the superficial differences in them. Think what it would be like if we didn’t. |
This month, I want to talk about pre-judgments. I think we all do it—some more than others—but we’re all guilty to some extent. Some people are more abrasive and outspoken, some carry it inside, some hide it well, and some try to be aware and recognize when they do it so they can try to treat people fairly.
We’ve all been told that “you can’t judge a book by its cover.” However, we’ve all had parents, friends, and experiences in our lives that cause us to do exactly that. Maybe it’s the color of someone’s skin, their weight, their hair style, or their sexual orientation. Maybe it’s the house they live in, the car they drive, or the clothes they wear.
The truth is—I do it too.
I think our world is a much better place because of our differences. Our different cultures, our ethnic foods, our beliefs, our looks—it makes things interesting. How boring would it really be if everyone looked and acted just like you? If we all had your same insecurities? If we all had your same way of looking at things? We’d have no role models. No one would be funny. There would be no passion. It would be like Pleasantville and we’d have no contrast in our lives. It’s these contrasts that fuel us and energize us to want something better than we have. It’s these contrasts in which we see the incredible beauty, talent, and minds of others. Without these differences, what would we strive for?
I came across this video last week that really resonated with me and makes this point beautifully. I hope you take a few minutes and enjoy it.
When you are done, take a moment—right now—to think about the people around you, and how you react to the superficial differences in them. Think what it would be like if we didn’t. Maybe you would appreciate them a bit more, be a little more forgiving, and be more empathetic. Just imagine the impact if we were all a little bit better!
Have a great month—and let me know what you think about this blog and video,
Jeff Van Fleet
President and CEO
Lighthouse Technologies, Inc.
Software Testing | Quality Assurance Consulting | Oracle EBS Consulting