Whether it’s in the workplace, in my home, or out at the bar, there’s a phrase I like to use to describe the people love being around: they’re “Can do” people. Their drive stay positive and get things done always inspires me—and I think we all could be a little more like them.

“Can do” people know that life’s generally a matter of perspective, and they know that life’s better when they focus on the positives. |
This month, I want to keep my message short and sweet. There’s a phrase I like to use when describing the people I like to be with, work with, and play with. They are “Can do” people. They are not whiners or complainers—and even though life sometimes throws them curve balls, they adjust.
I understand that we all have “stuff” going on in our lives. Sometimes, this “stuff” can be really hard and scary. But “Can do” people know that life’s generally a matter of perspective, and they know that life’s better when they focus on the positives. These people refuse to give into self-doubt—instead, they respond “Yes I can!”
With the Olympics right around the corner, here’s a very inspiring video to help you keep this in perspective. This month, I challenge you (and those around you) to say “Yes I can” a little more, and to lean forward into being a “Can do” person. As you do this, you will open up your mind to endless possibilities!
Have a great month and enjoy the Olympic games—both of them.
Keep having fun,
Jeff Van Fleet
President & CEO
Lighthouse Technologies, Inc.
Software Testing | Quality Assurance Consulting | Oracle EBS Consulting