Want Better Testing? Use the Gauntlet™ to Improve Your Testers!

When it comes to the quality of your software, 65 percent of your total improvement comes from having the right people, trained with the right skills, working in the right roles.  That’s no easy task, however.  So let us start you off on the right track with the Gauntlet™ QA skills assessment!

Want Better Testing? Use the Gauntlet™ to Improve Your Testers!

65 percent of the total improvement your testing/QA organization can make comes down to having the right people properly trained and in the right roles.
With the Gauntlet™, you can pinpoint common weaknesses for individual coaching or group training initiatives, and highlight the potential leaders on your team that have been hiding in plain sight.

There’s no denying it: software quality is a hot commodity right now.  It’s value no longer dismissed as an abstract concept, quality is now commonly seen as a business requirement to digital success.

But don’t just take my word for it.  The World Quality Report, a veritable barometer of the software testing industry, indicates that the top priority of IT executives this year is “Improving overall quality of software, products, and processes.”

We couldn’t agree more.  Software quality improvement should be a priority for everyone this year (frankly, it should be priority for everyone every year).  But that’s easier said than done.  After all, if it was easy, it wouldn’t be a priority—everyone would have done it already.

We get that.  After all, the hardest part about doing anything is knowing where to start—especially when it’s a goal that’s ambiguous as “improving quality”.

The truth is that there’s nothing ambiguous about that goal at all.  You just need to redefine your objective to “improving your people”.  In the end, 65 percent of the total improvement your testing/QA organization can make comes down to one thing: having the right people properly trained and in the right roles.  And we’ve developed a way to help get you there.

The first step I’m talking about?  It’s called the Gauntlet™, and it’s a proprietary software testing/QA skills assessment that measures the ability, attitude, and aptitude of your software quality personnel.   If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’ll know that we developed it in-house to aid our own recruiting efforts—and it’s been generating a lot of buzz with our current clients.

With the Gauntlet™, you’ll get a comprehensive breakdown of the skill-based strengths and weaknesses of everyone on your team—an essential component to defining an improvement strategy.  With a measured baseline established, you can pinpoint common weaknesses for individual coaching or group training initiatives—as well as utilizing the detailed personality assessment to highlight the potential leaders on your team that have been hiding in plain sight.

Large-scale improvement initiatives can be hard to fund because it can be hard to verify and validate the improvement you’ve made.  With the Gauntlet™, however, you’ll never have to worry about that uncertainty.  By utilizing the included skills assessment, job fit, and personality analysis, you can measure your teams before and after you implement your improvement plan—providing valuable metrics to prove your ROI.

No matter the destination, the hardest part of any journey is the first step.  You commit to a path and set the stage for whatever follows.  When it comes to your software testing/quality organization, that kind of pressure can be paralyzing—but it doesn’t need to be.  With the Gauntlet™, you can be confident knowing that your first step is a measured one—and bound to led you on the path to long-term improvement.

Drop us a line to find out more today!


Mike Hodge
Lighthouse Technologies, Inc.
Software Testing | Quality Assurance Consulting | Oracle EBS Consulting

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