When it comes to the quality of your software, 65 percent of your total improvement comes from having the right people, trained with the right skills, working in the right roles. That’s no easy task, however. So let us start you off on the right track with the Gauntlet™ QA skills assessment!
Just like New Year’s resolutions, it’s easy to give up on driving changes in software testing and QA because of a lack of short-term success. Isn’t it time we changed this mindset—and started focusing on the journey as well as the destination?
If the 3 Perils of Software Development™—Defects, Delays, and Dollars—are regularly driving your projects off schedule and over budget, getting your QA and testing team back on course can be hard. That’s why applying a metrics-based testing methodology is so important—it’s the most reliable course correction there is.
Despite being a critical aspect of objective analysis, many software project teams fail to achieve independence in QA. With software quality more vital than ever, is anything more crucial to a software project’s success than testers’ independence?
In the grand scheme of things, you’d never think software (and software testing/QA) shares any similarity with an appliance like a washing machine. Well, according to our President and CEO, Jeff Van Fleet, perhaps they’re more alike than you think.
Every software project is judged by four factors: time-to-market, agility, quality, and cost. But while those are typically seen as your developers’ domain, aren’t your software testers and QA engineers the ones really responsible for them?
Talk to anyone well-versed in eCommerce, and you’ll likely hear the same refrain: the user experience (UX) is king. But while no one’s disputing that, it’s important to note that the reign of UX has also signaled the ascension of another two-letter acronym: QA—or as it’s also known, quality assurance.
When it comes to software testing, improvement comes in one of three fields: people, process, and tools. But while you might think processes and tools are the smarter categories to consider first, did you know the bulk of your improvement comes solely from having the right people, with the right skills, in the right roles?