Do you want better visibility into the effectiveness of your testing and QA team? Sign up for our upcoming webinar on October 19th to learn what metrics you need to be tracking and how they can improve your testing and QA!
One of the key traits of innovative leadership is the ability to see patterns and connect unconnected dots. Our President and CEO thinks this has a lot to do with Associative Thinking, a conclusion his daughter, Rachel, helped him to reach.
In the software testing and QA world, it’s easy to feel like your problems are insurmountable. That’s why you need to consult the people who understand your challenges most: your peers. And if you’re in the Cincinnati/Dayton area, our upcoming roundtable is just the opportunity you’ve been waiting for.
Despite being a critical aspect of objective analysis, many software project teams fail to achieve independence in QA. With software quality more vital than ever, is anything more crucial to a software project’s success than testers’ independence?
In the grand scheme of things, you’d never think software (and software testing/QA) shares any similarity with an appliance like a washing machine. Well, according to our President and CEO, Jeff Van Fleet, perhaps they’re more alike than you think.
As thought leaders in software testing/QA, we like to keep ourselves up-to-date on the latest cutting-edge insights and industry trends. That’s why we sent our best and brightest to StarEast 2017. Here’s the second half of their two-part report. (Check out part one here!)
Do you want to take control of your software projects? Our upcoming webinar, “The Power of Testing Assessments: Keeping Your Projects on Course”, is a great place to start. An in-depth look at the value of evaluating your software testing team’s performance, it’s a great first step towards getting your QA team back on track.
Emotional intelligence (EI) is an important trait in successful leaders, but did you know it can be improved like any other skill? Neither did our CEO, Jeff Van Fleet.
Here at Lighthouse, we’re awful passionate about software testing and quality assurance. But even as thought leaders, we like to keep ourselves up-to-date on the latest cutting-edge insights and industry trends. In that spirit, here are some of the most interesting things we heard at StarEast 2017.
For some IT leaders, software development projects can feel like an endless cacophony of defect-related rework and delays—especially for people involved In software testing and QA. But as frustration mounts, pinpointing a path to improvement can prove difficult. Our solution? Start with quality exit criteria.