We talk a lot about the value and benefits of test automation, but we don’t always discuss those nitty-gritty, practical tips and tricks that can really help you when you’re in the trenches. So, bearing that in mind, here are some tips we’ve learned along the way to help you out on your next project.
At a time when the whole nation seems increasingly polarized and divided, Lighthouse CEO Jeff Van Fleet reminds us that perception is reality. So whenever things seem bad, keeping a positive outlook can go a long ways towards a happier and balanced life.
Everyone says that software testing teams need to have a plan. They need to be proactive, metrics-based, and thorough; not reactionary or improvisational. But consider this: if an organization’s goals aren’t aligned with the business they serve, is their plan really all that good anyway?
If you work for an international company, chances are your ERP systems and business apps have a similarly global reach. Naturally, this increases release testing exponentially—delaying releases, updates, and patches in the process. So, what’s a savvy software testing team to do? Automate, automate, automate. Without enough manpower to allocate to testing, most of the [...]
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Unfortunately, it’s also the most distracting. So when Lighthouse CEO Jeff Van Fleet was facing writer’s block he came up with a novel idea to share what’s whizzing through his head: a word search!
Imagine trying to launch a new website for the holiday season, and your offshore developer delivers defect-laden code with far more bugs than you expected. Do you launch the site anyways—risking widespread user frustration—or do you correct the defects while missing the busiest shopping season of the year?
From laggy performance to straight-up crashes and extended outages, we’ve all experienced our fair share of problems shopping online. And as the mad rush of the holiday season reaches its climax, eCommerce companies nationwide are facing a familiar foe: stress under load. Is automated load/performance testing the ultimate gift for these beleaguered IT departments?
In honor of Thanksgiving, Lighthouse President and CEO Jeff Van Fleet discusses his favorite tradition, which occurs during the annual Thanksgiving carry-in.
WHITE PAPER: If you’ve ever considered test automation, you’ve likely noticed that there’s no shortage of tools out there for you to choose from. That’s why we did the hard work for you! Check out our white paper to see an in-depth comparison of three of the most popular tools: Oracle OATS, HP UFT, and Selenium.
When it comes to software testing, improvement comes in one of three fields: people, process, and tools. But while you might think processes and tools are the smarter categories to consider first, did you know the bulk of your improvement comes solely from having the right people, with the right skills, in the right roles?