As a leader of our business team or technology team, does the end result justify the means? I often meet with business leaders who are focused on outcomes and many tolerate their flawed process because they are “good enough”. By what standard? How good is good enough?
I know that many of you read my regular blogs to learn a few tips on how I believe we should lead our teams and our lives so that we are more fulfilled. But lately, I’ve been struggling a bit and am hoping you might be willing to share some advice.
Make no mistake: if you require customizations to a software product, you need to treat those customizations as full custom code. This means the project needs managed, scheduled, resourced, and tested as such.
I know we are all trying to get to some sense of normalcy, but between COVID-19 impacting our income and our lives, and the continued senseless murders and racism toward our Black friends and family, it is no wonder that most of us are still feeling anxious and overwhelmed. I know that I am! As leaders, I feel that it’s paramount that we understand how we and our employees, team members, families, and friends are coping and adjusting. I thought I would share with you my journey thus far as I work toward resilience in the hopes that maybe my experiences will help you, too.
As our world changed dramatically over the last few months, the eCommerce space skyrocketed. We thought it might be helpful to share common challenges we’ve seen so you can take proactive steps to mitigate them.
Hiring the right person for the right role is a great way to grow the team and their capabilities, but the process many times falls apart and results in additional expense, wasted time, and poor team results. Check out our recommendations for hiring the right software QA candidate.
We’re more connected to one another than ever before and this affords opportunities to collaborate with people from across the world just as though they were right next to us. However, there are some underlying difficulties that make collaboration troublesome from a testing and QA perspective.
The IT world in many ways has a very serious leg-up on other industries as we all experiment with new ways to be remote during social distancing. That said, those of us who strictly follow the Agile Manifesto know that co-located teams are a core component of Agile and Scrum. So, what are some ways [...]
Today’s software development projects are nimble in comparison to what they once were. While we review what a testing process might look like, it’s important to note that the most experienced software testing teams will be the best able to adapt to your software development team structure.
How do you know it’s time to release your software? From the development side, they may feel like they are nearing the finish line, but the project leader has a different perspective, so don’t let the team pack up just yet!