Workplace culture not only affects morale, but also productivity, problem resolution, and your bottom line. Here’s how you assess your culture an some ideas to make improvements.

What kind of risks are there? Let’s broaden our scope beyond a project or software testing and discuss the health of your organization. It doesn’t matter one lick what kind of business you’re in, and I think you will discover several aspects of this article that apply directly to you and your organization. First. Risk [...]

Working with a rural (onshore) testing team brings a very different experience than working with an offshore staffing agency, and there are many benefits to onshoring your testing work. In this blog, we’ll be talking about two benefits, in particular, the ability of the onshore team to provide better defect prevention and process improvement. It [...]

As you ponder between the two models, here are some distinctions between the two that will help you determine which model will best benefit the needs of your organization.

Pay it now or pay it later, quality testers make a significant difference in the long run.

Hidden costs to your budget that aren’t included in that overseas proposal.

First, a quick recap In a recent blog, the Top 10 benefits of using on-shore testers, one of the benefits mentioned is that on-shore testing provides increased efficiency. Onshore testers like Lighthouse’s certified testers are quick to identify inefficiencies and then make corrections and improvements as they go. In the Lean Six Sigma world, we [...]

On the surface, you look at the prices of offshore testing as an outsourced solution, and it seems too good to be true. That’s because it is. There are hidden pitfalls that can significantly inflate the “low costs” of offshore providers and run your software initiatives and ROI into the ground.

Here are some creative brainstorming approaches to get the ideas flowing.

If you stand at a high-level and observe a development project team (and in particular, an outsourced development team), it doesn’t take long at all to notice a multitude of dynamics interacting with one another. These many dynamics float around differing agendas and priorities. The project manager is like a conductor, directing and coaxing harmony [...]

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