Have you been tempted to try offshore testing yet? Every aspiring project manager has had the thought cross their mind, and until they experience it for themselves, offshore testing looks like the answer to the budget crunch…or is it? I recently came across a survey conducted by the Software Test & Performance Conference in Boston [...]

You are here One common way to cut costs on a smaller-scale project is to engage a Director, Manager, or another lead role to run a project instead of employing a professional Project Manager for the task. Not only is it a way to save funding, but it is also a way for an up-and-coming [...]

Meetings are often standard practice in the corporate world. We accept invitations without thinking and arrive with everyone else, but at what cost? The value of those meetings is directly relevant to the value of the information shared. Who can raise their hand if they’ve been in a meeting and wondered why they were there? [...]

Having just recently experienced the devastation left behind by a cluster of tornadoes that blew through our town, we’re grateful. A byproduct of that night brought to the forefront for us, and many businesses and households alike, the question of how prepared were we really when it comes to disasters? Boy did this topic hit [...]

As a leader in charge of a departmental or project budget, there is a term to be familiar with that may have slipped through the cracks. As software development projects continue moving forward and evolving, what are the hidden costs? What is Technical Debt? Technical debt is the term given to leftover costs associated to [...]

The software development project has come so far, and everyone can see that the end is near. Likely, you’re doing Agile development and have been doing in-sprint testing along the way.  Maybe you’re pretty sophisticated and have been doing test automation along the way.  But, whether Agile or Waterfall, you likely want to do a [...]

Let’s all gather around, PM’s and Executives alike because we are about to introduce a significant change to the way your employees do their jobs. When the development and testing are all completed, the first thought is “We’re in the clear!” but that couldn’t be further from the truth because the project is still at [...]

For software development projects large and small, there are several advantages to having a dedicated Quality Assurance (QA) team when it comes to testing.  Many project managers attempt to cut costs by having all team members engaged in the testing process to keep things in-house. Sometimes it works well, but after experiencing the contrast of [...]

The term Artificial Intelligence (AI) brings up all kinds of fantastic images to mind, thanks to Hollywood. We have robots of both evil and kind persuasions and of course, they have human forms, because that’s what sells. All of that being said, what about real life? The robots in the movies go beyond what they [...]

Once upon a time, software development teams waited until the end of the development cycle to fully test the finished product. This practice had a team of manual testers follow scripts, or they removed SMEs from their day jobs and monopolized their time for 4-6 weeks while they tested the functionality of the software.  Of [...]

PMIASQIEEESoftware Engineering InstituteInternational Software Testing Qualifications Board